
Launching soon! Strictly by invitation only


We can't wait to welcome you onboard

Before you go...

Consider registering your interest in some of our thoughtfully considered selection of rare gems and collectibles. Browse what is on offer below.

Invest in things you love,

Relic makes investing in collectibles simple, fun and offers frequent liquidity. We sit at the intersection of culture, technology, and economics.

Invest in things you love, Games.

Relic makes investing in collectibles simple, fun and offers frequent liquidity. We sit at the intersection of culture, technology, and economics.

How it works

1. Discover

Register to browse our selection of upcoming initial public offerings (IPOs) and live investments

2. Invest

You’ll have the option to increase or decrease your amount of ownership at a later date.

3. Monitor

The valuation of your collectible changes, as per the market. Track this in your portfolio

4. Sell

3 months after IPOs you’ll have the option to increase or decrease your amount of ownership at the most up to date price. Ongoing there will be regular trading windows to do the same

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Benefits of investing in collectibles

Potential financial upside

In the last 20 years, collectible assets have increased in value by 141%

Portfolio diversification

Mitigate the risk of reduced returns by having a diverse range of investments


Invest in something nostalgic or personal to you

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What the industry is saying about alternative investing

"The value of rare whisky has soared 564% in the last decade"

"Alternative assets under management doubled between 2008 and 2017 and were projected to hit $14 trillion by 2023"

"The alternatives market has grown impressively, and ongoing uncertainty is likely to accelerate its emergence into the mainstream"

Don't miss out